Wednesday, 21 November 2012

It is already the second week...

Starting from this very second, I shall no longer waste any more time of my holiday. Not a moment more.

I will not run around the Internet, wishing for someone to let me draw them.

I will not spend hours upon hours in front of the computer screen, desperately waiting for someone to reply my mini mails.  (I will just take every unanswered mini mail as a "no")

The worst thing about this particular situation is, I had to use the word desperate to describe my actions. To me that word has a very big connection to the word begging. *shudders* 

On the brighter side of things, recently bought new books to devour its contents.
*sighs contently* Yes, I am going to enjoy every second of my holiday, even if it kills me.

Thank you for reading.

                                                                                  Yours truly,
                                                                              Nightmare Cellist.